Thermal Press Applications in Healthcare Products
The recent focus on medical devices and their capabilities reinforces the importance of streamlined manufacturing techniques. With Thermal Press plastic assembly equipment, you can create any type of medical device that can help improve the healthcare system’s ability to provide care and data for better health and management.
The medical device market was set to grow by 1.7% and manufacturing could reach $45.3 billion in the United States this year. With new focus and additional stock required, keeping your facility’s manufacturing capabilities in tune with demand just became vital for business success. Thermal Press International has the sealing and staking tools you need to keep up with demand in these trying times.
Manufacturing Wearable Devices and Oxygen Monitors with Solutions from Thermal Press
Device assembly remains an important consideration during medical device development. With Thermal Press, you can develop devices that are suitable for any purpose while remaining comfortable and secured to the patients who depend on them.
Advantages in Medical Device Manufacturing with Thermal Press
As healthcare institutions and agencies require an immediate response, manufacturers need to improve their processes and find solutions that support the quickest turnaround times. Oxygen monitoring systems have become vital to the fight against respiratory illness around the world.
At the same time, devices that can monitor glucose levels and trends are just as important. Using minimally invasive solutions that operate reliably and ensure the maximum protection for the wearer is crucial for medical device manufacturers.
With Thermal Press, you can:
- Create highly accurate, reliable, and safe monitoring devices.
- Manufacture smaller, wearable monitors for sleep, heart monitoring and other functions
- Produce microtiter (also called microplate) seals for the safety and accuracy of test samples
With Thermal Press International heat staking and sealing solutions, you can ensure your devices and medical samples remain protected and insulated at all times. Our solutions enable manufacturers to create devices that ensure the accuracy and integrity of test samples. With an efficient and reliable plastic connection, you can manufacture reliable solutions that support current and future requirements.
Thermal Press Heat Sealing and Staking Solutions for the Medical Industry
To support current demand, Thermal Press has a variety of platforms to help you create a consistent and reliable product. Our solutions can help you create a high-quality seal for any wearable medical device to improve an individual’s health or wellbeing.
More people will need access to enhanced medical products and health support solutions in the future. To ensure you can keep up with product demand, you’ll need an efficient thermal pressing solution that ensures a consistent seal every time. With Thermal Press, you’ll be able to streamline your medical device manufacturing processes while ensuring the quality of every seal your product needs.
Contact Us or call (925) 454-9800 to speak with a Thermal Press engineer.
Tags: device assembly, manufacturing processes, medical device manufacturing, medical products, thermal pressing, thermal pressing solution